
To ensure that you have a lush, weed free lawn, we recommend the following program which includes slow release fertilizer and the necessary treatments for weed control. Additional services for a healthy lawn are listed below.

Altman’s Weed Free Lawns - 5 Application Lawn Program


Spring Application (March/ April) – Fertilizer with pre-emergent crabgrass control.
Spot treatment of broadleaves


Late Spring Application (May/June)–a seasonal fertilizer application


Mid- Summer Application (July) – Consist of a slow-release fertilizer


Late Summer Application (August/September) – Consist of a seasonal fertilizer application


Fall Application (October/November) – Consist of a seasonal fertilizer that is designed to develop a deep root system before winter.
Full treatment for Broadleaves

  • If grubs are of concern, an application of an appropriate treatment is recommended mid-June.
  • Aeration in the fall, is recommended to aid in thatch control, and opens up the soil for better nutrient, water and oxygen in-take.

Fertilization is important in keeping a weed free lawn. The appropriate fertilizer maintains the health and density of the lawn which in turn makes if difficult for weeds to germinate, grow and infest your lawn.

Insect Control

Lawns in the Rockford area can and are susceptible to grub damage. This damage usually occurs from late August to late September. The damage occurs when skunks and raccoon’s dig for the grubs that are emerging to feed on the root system of the turf. The grubs are hatched from the adult Mast Chafer and or Japanese Beetle. Visual signs will include tan wilting areas of turf and sod turned over from foraging animals.

If you suspect that you have had damage in the past, a preventative application of an approved insecticide should be applied in Mid-June. Post grub emergence damage can be treated with a curative insecticide.

Disease Control

Lawns are susceptible to a variety of common turf diseases. Some (Dollar Spot) can be persistent during stressful weather conditions.

Approved fungicide applications can be made preventively or curatively to control many of the common diseases that infest lawns.


Core aeration is the process of removing small soil plugs from the sub-surface and reincorporating that soil back into the grass layer. Aeration aids in improving the quality and health of your lawn in many different ways. Overall, aeration is extremely beneficial for lawns, especially those with high traffic.

Aeration provides:

Thatch decomposition
Encourages the growth of beneficial microorganisms
Improves rooting
Enhances infiltration of rainfall and irrigation
Increases water, nutrient and oxygen movement
Prevents fertilizer and pesticide run-off

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